Graphics Publications
Fun trivia – my Erdős number is 3:
- John Horton Conway
- Tom Duff
- Andrew Kensler (me)
Orthogonal Array Sampling for Monte Carlo Rendering (bib) by Wojciech
Jarosz, Afnan Enayet, Andrew Kensler, Charlie Kilpatrick, and Per
Christensen. Computer Graphics Forum, July 2019. (Proceedings of the
Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2019.)
RenderMan: An Advanced Path-Tracing Architecture for Movie Rendering (bib)
by Per Christensen, Julian Fong, Jonathan Shade, Wayne Wooten, Brenden
Schubert, Andrew Kensler, Stephen Friedman, Charlie Kilpatrick, Cliff
Ramshaw, Marc Bannister, Brenton Rayner, Jonathan Brouillat, and Max Liani.
ACM Transactions on Graphics, August 2018.
Progressive Multi-Jittered Sample Sequences (bib) by Per Christensen,
Andrew Kensler, and Charlie Kilpatrick. Computer Graphics Forum,
July 2018. (Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2018.)
Building an Orthonormal Basis, Revisited (bib) by Tom Duff, James Burgess,
Per Christensen, Christophe Hery, Andrew Kensler, Max Liani, and Ryusuke
Villemin. Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques, March 2017.
Progressive Render Checkpoint Workflows in Production (bib) by Alex
Harvill, Andrew Kensler, and David Laur. ACM SIGGRAPH 2015 Talks,
July 2015.
Correlated Multi-Jittered Sampling (bib) by Andrew Kensler. Pixar
Technical Memo #13-01, March 2013.
Fast, Effective BVH Updates for Animated Scenes (bib) by Daniel Kopta,
Thiago Ize, Josef Spjut, Erik Brunvand, Al Davis, and Andrew Kensler.
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and
Games, March 2012.
Software Algorithms for Hardware Ray Tracing (bib) by Andrew Kensler.
Ph.D. dissertation, School of Computing, University of Utah, May 2011.
CSG Operations of Arbitrary Primitives with Interval Arithmetic and
Real-Time Ray Tracing (bib) (tr) by Younis Hijazi, Aaron Knoll, Mathias
Schott, Andrew Kensler, Charles Hansen, and Hans Hagen. Scientific
Visualization: Advance Concepts, February 2010.
TRaX: A Multicore Hardware Architecture for Real-Time Ray Tracing (bib) by
Josef Spjut, Andrew Kensler, Daniel Kopta, and Erik Brunvand. IEEE
Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems,
December 2009.
Hardware-Accelerated Gradient Noise for Graphics (bib) by Josef Spjut,
Andrew Kensler and Erik Brunvand. Proceedings of the 19th ACM Great Lakes
Symposium on VLSI, May 2009.
Fast Ray Tracing of Arbitrary Implicit Surfaces with Interval and Affine
Arithmetic (bib) (tr) by Aaron Knoll, Younis Hijazi, Andrew Kensler,
Mathias Schott, Charles Hansen, and Hans Hagen. Computer Graphics Forum,
February 2009.
Tree Rotations for Improving Bounding Volume Hierarchies (bib) by Andrew
Kensler. Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE Symposium on Interactive Ray
Tracing, August 2008.
Better Gradient Noise (bib) by Andrew Kensler, Aaron Knoll and Peter
Shirley. SCI Institute, University of Utah, Technical Report
#UUSCI-2008-001, April 2008.
SIMD Ray Stream Tracing - SIMD Ray Traversal with Generalized Ray Packets
and On-the-fly Re-Ordering (bib) by Ingo Wald, Christiaan P. Gribble,
Solomon Boulos and Andrew Kensler. SCI Institute, University of Utah,
Technical Report #UUSCI-2007-012, August 2007.
A Coherent Grid Traversal Approach to Visualizing Particle-based Simulation
Data (bib) by Christiaan P. Gribble, Thiago Ize, Andrew Kensler, Ingo Wald,
and Steven G. Parker. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer
Graphics, July/August 2007.
Ray Tracing Animated Scenes using Coherent Grid Traversal (bib) by Ingo
Wald, Thiago Ize, Andrew Kensler, Aaron Knoll, and Steven G. Parker. ACM
Transactions on Graphics, July 2006. (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2006.)
Optimizing Ray-Triangle Intersection via Automated Search (bib) by Andrew
Kensler and Peter Shirley. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on
Interactive Ray Tracing, September 2006. (Best paper award.)