@InCollection{hijazi:10:implicits, title = { {CSG} {O}perations of {A}rbitrary {P}rimitives with {I}nterval {A}rithmetic and {R}eal-{T}ime {R}ay {C}asting }, author = { Younis Hijazi and Aaron Knoll and Mathias Schott and Andrew Kensler and Charles Hansen and Hans Hagen }, booktitle = { Scientific Visualization: Advanced Concepts }, month = { Feb }, year = { 2010 }, volume = { 1 }, pages = { 78--89 }, series = { Dagstuhl Follow-Ups }, editor = { Hans Hagen}, publisher = { Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik }, address = { Dagstuhl, Germany }, ISBN = { 978-3-939897-19-4 }, }